What I Do As A Homeless Homeless Advocate
As it turns out, some of my most-read blog posts in recent months had to do with: why I'm homeless , my 80-year old mother having had her social security payments cut by $1,000 per month for 17 years because she adopted and the direct connection between DC Mayor "Mascara Muriel" Bowser shutting down homeless tent cities and her failing to create a sufficient amount of affordable housing (or anything that even comes close). My readers evidently like to read about my personal affairs and about local political issues for which they intuitively see the direct connection to their own lives and struggles. I've always tried to keep posts about myself to a minimum, realizing that "It's not about me" . Nonetheless, I'll indulge you yet again with an explanation of "What I Do As A Homeless Homeless Advocate" Though it may come as a surprise to many, I'm very self-critical. I think what has people confused in that respect is the fact that...