"Hurricane Harvey", The Elimination of Sex in the U.S. and the 144,000 (Asexual???) Lesser Sovereigns (Under Jesus)
[T]he sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. -- Genesis 6:2 #MeToo Slut Walk Top Freedom Sexual Revolutions (of 1920's and 1950's/60's) Are we entering a "Third Wave" -- a "Third Peni[c] W'ore "??? The Pleasure Seekers (1997): It is also worth noting that for Mr. Heidenry the century's "thir d (?) sexual revolution,'' from the 1960's to now, succeeded insofar as it freed women from millenniums of repression , and failed insofar as it did not. ******************************************************** There were the "sins of the 'asexual' [sic] fathers" which I heard MY father (who conceived me asexually too) talk about in the 1980's -- a widespread "son shower" , by all means. (This son shower blew over Never Land in 1993; but, it never landed a drop.) Then there was the Bill Clinton/ Monica Lewinsky...