Dear President Barack Hussein Obama,

I would like to remind you of a former effort of yours that you seem to have all but forgotten. On October 25th 2006, you sent two (2) men from your senatorial office in the Hart Building to the Franklin School Shelter so that they could tour the facility and be informed on the issue of homelessness. Their names were Ian Solomon and Nicholas Colvin. The tour was led by the Committee To Save Franklin Shelter (CSFS), a group that was later incorporated as Until We're Home, inc
( www.untilwerehome.org ), a non-profit that spoke up for the rights of homeless people and advocated for solutions to homelessness. I was the field marshal/public relations specialist for the group, which has now been dissolved. After the tour, we never heard back from either man. We were left to assume that they were just part of an exploratory mission to see what platform you would run your campaign on.

Nonetheless, homelessness remains a major problem in this and other nations. With the worsening economic crisis, many more people are becoming homeless. The headlines are chock full of stories of tent cities popping up all over the nation and municipal governments putting people up in hotels. I'm sure that you're aware of the housing and employment crises. That's not to speak of mental illnesses, prolonged physical illnesses, domestic violence and chemical dependencies that often lead to homelessness. As it turns out, the homeless shelters are the collect-alls for the various problems and societal ills with which society is plagued. It therefore behooves you and your administration to address homelessness as you address the economic fallout that we hear so much about these days. I'd dare to say that it should be first and foremost among your economic concerns. Then again, everyone probably feels that their issue is the single most important issue.

I understand that your job entails addressing many different concerns and that you are being pulled in many different directions by those here in America and abroad. You were voted in by Blacks, Whites, Asians and Hispanics alike. You were voted in by the rich and the poor. Your decisions will affect those of other countries as well. It would therefore be selfish for anyone to try to horde your attention and present their issue as the single most important issue. However, the fact that so many problems lead to homelessness makes it more than logical to make addressing homelessness a priority.

I hope that you've found this letter to be both insightful and interesting. I look forward to hearing from you again. I also look forward to working with your administration to effectively combat homelessness. To start, you can read my blog at www.streats.tv/shep.html . Thank you.

Yours Ever So Truly,
Eric Jonathan Sheptock
Homeless Homeless Advocate


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