PREVIEW My Book: Failures of US & DC Gov to Poor & Homeless (2018: Revolution??? 50 yrs after MLK, Jr)

In mid-November 2017 I decided that it was time to begin working on the book that I'd said inn early 2017 that I would write this year. I obviously had shelved the idea for quite some time after some indecision as to how I'd frame it. In October DC Government took steps to impede the advocacy of one of their most vocal critics -- Eric J. Sheptock. I am now engaged in a court battle with someone from DC Government. (There is a little-known DC law that says "Sending someone -- possibly even a government employee -- two or more emails that you knew they didn't want qualifies as 'harassment'" in DC.)

The case could evolve into a question of free speech, given the fact that this person works for government and the US Constitution says that I must have access to my government for redress of grievances. The government person/ plaintiff has nine months to build the case against me -- until July 2018. During that time, I can't attend meetings where this person is present. Other homeless people and advocates will need to increase THEIR presence in my absence.

Given the current circumstances, I decided to write about the dirty, underhanded culture within DC Government that made me feel that I needed to be mean and to go hard on them. As I brainstormed about how I'd frame a 20-or-so page report on my 11.5 years of advocacy and the current struggle, I saw that I had a lot more than that to say. I then decided that I would touch lightly on matters of advocacy from Jesus Christ to 1970 and delve more deeply into the fight for the homeless since 1970. Below are some short excerpts and topics from the book I'm writing. I hope that knowing I'm working on this puts government on edge and begins to scare them straight. Whatever this brief preview fails to accomplish in that respect the finished product is sure to accomplish. See below:

A Major Conclusion:

Gov won’t save Blacks or poor at this point, especially since less workers are needed and capitalists value life in terms of how much money a person makes. This creates a recipe for revolution. Use “stupidity” that they left us with by “confronting” them about their wrongs and then establishing our own system. How will it look??? 2018 revolution??? Stupid Congress reversing New Deal safety net and using opposite thinking now by trying to be "fiscally responsible" (until December 2017 anyway, with the new tax plan) and by cutting the social services that were meant to keep us calm.

Church’s role: MLK letter to 7 churches from jail. Letter indicts current churches. Was read at my church in mid-2017 with meeting having had a weird conclusion. The church needs to step up -- not just to feed the poor, but also to confront gov re why they're hungry and to design a more humane system (that ignores and doesn't make use of gov).


MLK, Jr death
Resurrection City, riots (Trump-induced in 2018???)

The likely 2022 closure of the CCNV “Helter” Shelter
Encampments represent some ability and connect homeless to general public.
Rev David Bowers re Purple Line (Who’ll live there in 5, 10, 15 yrs???)
Principle, motivation: “Anyone who works in DC affording DC rents”
Fighting misandry (not related to Hurricane Harvey Weinstein. Post Dana Perino article re soft Washingtonian men)
Assistance for able-bodied poor

Eric’s other broad-based conclusions

Advocates for poor always suffer assassination: character, physical, principle (Jesus)
EX: Jesus (Socialist principles), MLK Jr. death, Mitch Snyder (crimes on record, character, sanity), myself (Kristy issue, character). Even a White man goes down for this.

Dixie-crats willing to hurt themselves to hurt Blacks. (Similar to MLK non-violence trainings). Trump supporters are like Dixie-crats, though less intentionally.

Blacks have helped build the torture chamber where they get hurt -- building DC, reconstruction, fighting in US wars.

Poor have lost fighting spirit as WW II Vets, Baby Boomers and Vietnam vets die off. This opens the door to being mistreated. We need fighting spirit back.

Non-violence has not done much for the poor, though violence might not lead to a win. Black Panthers of 1966. (Hit capitalists in pocket, like sit-ins. HURT them that way.)

Having movement leader, lead advocate makes it easier for gov to shut effort down and hurt poor. All movement participants must be able to articulate an elevator spiel of why they’re fighting.

Race that mistreated Blacks now has seemingly “legitimate” reasons to lock us up.

It’s no longer just a race thing but a full-on mistreatment of all poor.

A seemingly intelligent person who blames the uneducated for “acting stupid” is stupid themselves.

Reagan and govs in general made concessions to poor while many workers were needed.

Transition to lack of concessions includes 1988 federal homeless employment project.

Gov won’t save Blacks or poor at this point, especially since less workers are needed and capitalists value life in terms of how much money a person makes. This creates a recipe for revolution. (use “stupidity” that they left us with by “confronting” them about their wrongs and then establishing our own system. How will it look??? 2018 revolution??? Stupid Congress reversing New Deal safety net and using opposite thinking now.)

Gov failures to the poor: Feds have gone from trying to save Blacks (slavery, Jim Crow) and having war on poverty to hurting poor. EX: Nixon began mass incarceration (slavery, Jim Crow, mass incarceration -- always hurting Blacks)

Federal right to run deficit recently (2001 to 2016???) considered a negative. Social services for those who weren’t given trades or professions for generations being cut.

Hoover and current govs giving food without Black Panther teachings (food of stupidity)

Bill Clinton hurt Blacks but not as deliberately or openly as others (HOPE VI, failed Welfare-to-Work policy -- which followed 1988 homeless employment project whose report was issued in 1998 during Clinton)

Govs more openly fighting for capitalist goals and pulling back social service funding (Iraq War, Cheney). MLK’s remarks about a nation that invests in war and not social uplift.

Trump/ Congress now willing to increase deficit in order to reduce corporate/ rich persons’ tax.

US govs have gone from moral ineptitude to complete turpitude.

DC Gov: DC Gov gives DC a concentrated dose of federal foul-ups.

DC trade schools closed in 1970’s. (Barry work program of 1979???)

DC Council admitted to “letting families linger in shelter" before trying to cut them off.


Socialist Jesus vs “Prosperity Gospel”
Candidate Goldwater vs Candidate Trump
LBJ vs Trump
MLK Jr vs Hughey Newton, Malcolm X et. al. (views) -- Motivation matters.
Blacks in power now hurt and gentrify other Blacks.
Duck Dynasty guy was right about us being better off during Jim Crow (White supporters)
Claudia Barragan comments about gentrifiers helping with social justice.
Article about Black gentrifiers in SE DC
State of poverty and homelessness now as compared to 1968
What has changed for Blacks since 1968???
Hoover vs Black Panthers (food w/o teaching)


Jim Graham’s comments about progress
Comparisons to Mitch Snyder (tech, era, public attitudes, bringing attention to issue in 70’s and 80’s vs current poverty pimping)
I’ve been mean out of necessity (in polite ways)
My harsh critiques were well-received thru 2014.
EJS day in DC
Bowser’s dislike of me (Possibly due to MISANDRY...or gentrifying plans)
Section???: The next chapter (YOU continuing the fight)


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